Upcoming Events
2024 Flu Shot Clinic
Special Event
WHERE: USU Eastern Jennifer Leavitt Student Center Hallway
WHO: *Students/Faculty/Staff, Family & Community- All are Welcome!
Get your seasonal flu shot and vaccinations between 9 AM and 4 PM with your USU 2nd-year AAS/RN student nurses! *FREE Flu shots for the first 300 USU Students/Staff/Faculty with A-numbers.
Vaccines offered:
Flu Shots
Pneumonia Vaccine
HPV Vaccine
Meningitis A, C, W, Y & Meningitis B Vaccines
RSV Vaccine
COVID Vaccine
Shingles Vaccine
+Pre-register by visiting seuhealth.com/pre-register+
We encourage pre-registration at the above website address. Upload your insurance card to the patient information form. If you do not pre-register, you must have your insurance card onsite or pay cash.
-A copy of your Insurance Card is Needed
-Bring Immunization Record/Card, if available
-Cash Pay or {No insurance}- Regular Flu Shots $35. High-dose Flu Shots are $75.
The 2024 Flu Shot Clinic is brought to you by USU Eastern in conjunction with the Southeast Utah Health Department. Thank you for supporting SEUHD, USU Nursing, and your 2nd-year AAS/RN student nurses to protect yourself, your loved ones, and others!
Second 7-week Session
Academic Calendar | Fall Semester
34 instruction days, 1 test day
2024 Flu Shot Clinic
Special Event
WHERE: Parking Lot between USU Eastern and Carbon High School
WHO: *Students/Faculty/Staff, Family & Community- Everyone is Welcome!
Get your seasonal flu shot and vaccinations between 12 PM and 7 PM with your USU 2nd-year AAS/RN student nurses! *FREE Flu shots for the first 300 USU Students/Staff/Faculty with A-numbers.
Vaccines offered:
Flu Shots
Pneumonia Vaccine
HPV Vaccine
Meningitis A, C, W, Y & Meningitis B Vaccines
RSV Vaccine
COVID Vaccine
Shingles Vaccine
+Pre-register by visiting seuhealth.com/pre-register+
We encourage pre-registration at the above website address. Upload your insurance card to the patient information form. If you do not pre-register, you must have your insurance card onsite or pay cash.
-A copy of your Insurance Card is Needed
-Bring Immunization Record/Card, if available
-Cash Pay or {No insurance}- Regular Flu Shots $35. High-dose Flu Shots are $75.
The 2024 Flu Shot Clinic is brought to you by USU Eastern in conjunction with the Southeast Utah Health Department. Thank you for supporting SEUHD, USU Nursing, and your 2nd-year AAS/RN student nurses to protect yourself, your loved ones, and others!
USU Eastern Legacy Dinner
To honor the history and legacy of the Eastern campus.
Reception: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Dinner: 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Fall Break
Academic Calendar | Fall Semester
No classes.
Tutor Meet and Greet
The Academic Tutor Center is holding a tutor "Meet and Greet." Join us on the main floor of the Library & Learning Commons for pizza and dessert. Learn about our tutoring services and meet our new tutors!
Turtles All the Way Down: What fossils of chelonians tell us about the Age of Dinosaurs in Utah and beyond
Today, only one species of turtle - the Mojave Desert Tortoise - is definitively native to Utah. But did you know that during the Age of Dinosaurs, our state had one of the most diverse turtle faunas in Earth history? Whether you're a turtle fan or just a paleo nerd, come learn about the diverse turtles from the Cretaceous of southern Utah, including a massive new species, and what they tell us about ancient aquatic ecosystems.
Part of USU Eastern's "From the Book Cliffs to Blanding: A Panoramic View of Eastern Utah" series, come hear paleontology professor Josh Lively speak the fascinating fossils that lie beneath our feet.
Trivia and Tamales
Student Activities
Come out and have some tamales and play trivia. have a chance to win BIG prizes!
11th Annual Local Authors Night
Special Event
Featuring the author and collaborators of the book Through the Keyhole. A local story of a murder cold case that was solved 46 years later by a Carbon County Detective and the victim's daughter.
Trick or Treat around USU Eastern
Special Event
Join us for a spooktacular evening of trick-or-treating around campus! This event is open to all students, faculty, staff, and community. Dress up in your favorite Halloween costumes and visit designated trick-or-treat stations set up across the campus. Each station will be hosted by different departments offering a variety of treats and fun activities.
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