Religion & Beliefs Resources
This page provides resources that bring awareness to the challenges faced by people based on their religious and cultural beliefs in order to promote communities of equity and justice and to support our students, faculty and staff.
Alpert, R. (2020). Workplace Religion Conflict: Why Problems Are on the Rise – and How to Solve Them. Diversity Resources.
Banerjee, N. (2008, June 24). Survey Shows U.S. Religious Tolerance. The New York Times.
Davis, K. (2010, October). America’s True History of Religious Tolerance. The Smithsonian Magazine. - “The idea that the United States has always been a bastion of religious freedom is reassuring—and utterly at odds with the historical record.”
Mohebpour, I., Reysen, S., Gibson, S., & Hendrick, L. (2017). Religiosity, Religious Acceptance, Social Interaction, and Satisfaction with University Experience. International Journal of Christianity & Education. 21(3), 197-212.
Pew Research Center. The Global Religious Landscape. (2012, December 28). Pew Research Center.
Teaching Tolerance. The Law of Religious Freedom. (2020). Southern Poverty Law Center.
Islam & The Future of Tolerance. (2018, November 28). Youtube. - “In a world riven by violence and misunderstanding, prominent atheist author Sam Harris and Islamist-turned-liberal Muslim Maajid Nawaz seek to provide a remedy to the polarizing rhetoric and obscurantism around the topic of Islam.”
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers. (2018). PBS.
Religious Liberty. (2012, December 18). PBS. - “The Founding Fathers’ thinking evolved from tolerating minority religions to embracing the right of religious liberty for all.”
Aspiration Entertainment. (2019, December 4). Same God. Youtube.
Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions. Parliament of the World’s Religions. (2020).
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). (2019). Counter-Islamophobia Project.
Freedom House. (2020). Religious Freedom.
Harvard University. (2020). The Pluralism Project.
Harvard University. (2020). Religion, Conflict & Peace. - Free Online Course.
Human Rights Watch. (2020). Religious Freedom.
Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC). (2020). - “IFYC is a national nonprofit that equips the next generation of citizens and professionals with the knowledge and skills needed for leadership in a religiously diverse world. Partnering with higher education institutions and civic organizations, IFYC is dedicated to making interfaith cooperation the norm and building Interfaith America in the 21st century.”
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Religious Tolerance. (2020).
Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project. (2016). The Future of World Religions. Pew Research Center.
The University of Tampa. Religious Holy Days Calendar. - “This is a list of dates for the current year for holidays/observance days that are celebrated by numerous religious populations.”
Swatos, W. (1998). Encyclopedia of Religion and Society. Hartford Institute for Religion Research.
USCIRF (2020). United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. - “The Mission of USCIRF is to advance international freedom of religion or belief, by independently assessing and unflinchingly confronting threats to this fundamental right.”
Campbell, J. (1988, June 1). The Power of Myth. Anchor Publishing.
Dorroll, C. (2019, January 24). Teaching Islamic Studies in the Age of ISIS, Islamophobia, and the Internet. Indiana University Press.
Niebuhr, G. (2009, July 28). Beyond Tolerance: How People Across America are Building Bridges Between Faiths. Penguin Books.
Shah, T., Farr, T., & Friedman, J. (2016). Religious Freedom and Gay Rights: Emerging Conflicts in the United States and Europe. Oxford University Press.
Sharma, A. (June 30, 2019). Religious Tolerance: A History. HarperCollins Publishers.
Smith, H. (2009, May 12). The World’s Religions. HaperCollins Publishers.
Wenger, T. (2020). Religious Freedom: The Contested History of an American Ideal. University of North Carolina Press.