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October 20 - 26, 2024

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Turtles All the Way Down: What fossils of chelonians tell us about the Age of Dinosaurs in Utah and beyond


Today, only one species of turtle - the Mojave Desert Tortoise - is definitively native to Utah. But did you know that during the Age of Dinosaurs, our state had one of the most diverse turtle faunas in Earth history? Whether you're a turtle fan or just a paleo nerd, come learn about the diverse turtles from the Cretaceous of southern Utah, including a massive new species, and what they tell us about ancient aquatic ecosystems.

Part of USU Eastern's "From the Book Cliffs to Blanding: A Panoramic View of Eastern Utah" series, come hear paleontology professor Josh Lively speak the fascinating fossils that lie beneath our feet.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |