Student Money Management

Our financial coach will help you create a budget and brainstorm ways to reduce your spending and increase your income.

Money Management Coach

Erika Ahlheim

Erika Ahlheim

Financial Support Specialist

Student Services

Phone: (435) 613-5323
Office Location: Price, One Stop Student Services

Make a Money Management Appointment Make a Financial Aid Appointment

The Student Money Management Center has financial coaches who will meet with you one on one.

When applied to a budget, the step-down principle can help you gradually reduce expenses.


Spending Plan for College Students
College students are encouraged to complete the following form to get a better picture of yearly expenses while in school. Learn how you can start saving for upcoming expenses such as housing, tuition, food, and transportation.



Spending Plan for High School Students
High school students are encouraged to complete the following form to plan for college and get a better picture of yearly expenses. Learn how you can start saving for upcoming expenses such as housing, tuition, food, and transportation.