Upcoming Events

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March 12 - 18, 2023

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Door Decoration Competition

Special Event | Diversity, equity, and Inclusion

Student will decorate their door and email in their doors to Easternbna@usu.edu using their A # emails

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

Door Decoration Competition

Special Event | Diversity, equity, and Inclusion

Student will decorate their door and email in their doors to Easternbna@usu.edu using their A # emails

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

Door Decoration Competition

Special Event | Diversity, equity, and Inclusion

Student will decorate their door and email in their doors to Easternbna@usu.edu using their A # emails

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

Door Decoration Competition

Special Event | Diversity, equity, and Inclusion

Student will decorate their door and email in their doors to Easternbna@usu.edu using their A # emails

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

Door Decoration Competition

Special Event | Diversity, equity, and Inclusion

Student will decorate their door and email in their doors to Easternbna@usu.edu using their A # emails

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

Door Decoration Competition

Special Event | Diversity, equity, and Inclusion

Student will decorate their door and email in their doors to Easternbna@usu.edu using their A # emails

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

Miss USU Eastern Pageant

Special Event

The Miss USU Eastern Pageant - A competition for the title of Miss USU Eastern, as well as a highlight of the current title holder as she passes her title.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |

Navigating a Shifting Culture: USU Eastern Lunch & Learn

Special Event

Learn how to navigate a shifting culture and learn how to use affirmative consent in everyday interactions. Free and open to the public.

11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |

Start by Believing Day

Special Event

Visit a pledge booth across the state on this day to learn how to respond to a survivor when they disclose their experience to you. Then, take the pledge to start by believing; making a personal commitment to respond to a survivor with belief and empathy, support that survivor on their road to justice and healing, and to end the silence and stop the cycle of violence within our communities. You can also take the pledge online throughout the month at startbybelieving.usu.edu and be sure to use the campaign hashtag #USUbelieves so we can track the number of pledges USU takes.

9:00 am - 3:00 pm |